..this project will help with colour, composition and perspective.
What you will need:
Old magazines
Glue stick and scissors
Pencil and pencil crayons
8 _ x 11 in. bond paper or your sketchbook

step one:
..choose a landscape image from a magazine – choose an image that has a bit of perspective and has a good amount of sky and ground
..cut out the image and glue it down on a piece of paper – I did the drawing in my sketchbook – it helps to keep the paper from moving
step two:
..if you like you can start the drawing by using a pencil – try adding objects and creatures in the landscape – maybe a dragon flying in the sky or a mermaid swimming in the ocean
..you don’t need to match the colours perfectly – I also find if you layer multiple colours on top of each other it creates nice textures.
..When your done you can frame it or scan it in your computer and print multiple copies to give to friends and family.